Meaning of Shot a Friend by Holy Molly & The Story Behind

The composition “Shot a friend” is performed by a Romanian singer. Holy Molly attracts listeners with its eccentricity and unique voice. The performer did not get hung up on her original image when he ceased to suit her. The girl realized that it was time to move on. Let’s analyze the track “Shot a friend” to understand its main meaning.

The history of the creation of the song “Shot a friend”

The singer performed solo for the first time in 2010. It was then that the listeners met Miss Mary. In 2019, the singer decided to rethink her views and life position. She even changed her stage name. Now fans know the artist as Holy Molly. The composition “Shot a friend” was presented to listeners in 2021.

The song was created under the influence of strong emotions. Every person in his life met with misunderstanding and even betrayal. This fate did not bypass the performer. The girl decided to convey her feelings and thoughts with the help of music and piercing text. She seemed to have decided to get rid of the burden that had been on her soul for many years.

A song is difficult to create if there are no ideas in the head. But this is definitely not about Holy Molly, because the performer clearly understood the further plan of her actions. Influenced by life experience and past mistakes, the singer presented the fans with a song that resonated in the hearts of the listeners.

The meaning of the song “Shot a friend”

The title of the composition “Shooted at a friend” already leads the listeners to unhappy thoughts. What prompted the lyrical heroine to take this desperate step?! Why couldn’t she deal with her feelings, take matters into her own hands?! Did she think about her decision or did it all happen by accident?! To answer not only these questions, but also a number of others, it is necessary to analyze the text of the song.

“I wish we had met him many years ago.” This line is about wasted time. The heroine believes that if she had met a young man earlier, everything would have turned out differently. She sincerely wants to turn back time. However, the girl understands with her mind that this is impossible. “Would it be so bad then?” This is a rhetorical question, to which the answer does not need to be sought.

You have to take your past for granted. After all, you can’t change it anyway. But at what point did everything go wrong, as the lyrical heroine expected? Why did this acquaintance turn into a real nightmare for her?

“Would that change the song?” If a girl succeeded, would she share her success with others? After all, it’s no secret that happiness loves silence. Would the heroine enthusiastically talk about how much she managed to achieve? “I knew she had everything.” The girl mentions some third person. But who is she? Perhaps this is her friend. Initially, the lyrical heroine seemed to have succeeded in the life of her loved one.

After all, the girlfriend had everything that one could only dream of. But she decided that this was not enough for her. And then she did what faithful and honest friends do not do. “I thought I was strong, you know?” The lyrical heroine did not expect such a turn of events. She just wasn’t ready for it.

The girl could not even imagine that a friend whom she trusted more than herself could do such a mean thing to her. It was extremely difficult to survive such a blow. Initially, the girl seemed that she did not have enough strength. She seemed to be falling into an abyss. And no one could lend a helping hand to her.

“I’ve never shot a friend.” The lyrical heroine found herself in such a difficult situation for the first time. She seemed to be in a daze, again and again asking herself questions: “Where to run?”, “What to do?”, “Whom to contact?”. But no one could give her the right answers. First of all, the heroine should deal with her feelings and thoughts, begin to control her emotions. Betrayal always hurts.

Sometimes it seems that the heart will break into pieces, and emptiness will forever settle in the soul. “No one knows what to do with love.” From the thought that everything happened by chance, the girl becomes easier.

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