Meaning of Du Hast by Rammstein & The Story Behind

The meaning of the song and video Rammstein “Du hast” even a quarter of a century after its release attracts the interest of new fans of the musical group. A whole range of feelings and emotions became the subject of the composition “Du hast”. The main character rushes between two fires and does not understand how it will all end. The composition “Du hast” from Ramms is especially popular among all singles. Without it, it is impossible to imagine any concert of German performers.

The meaning of the song “Du Hast” — Rammstein

The translation of the song “Du hast” is not complicated, but there is a little wordplay in the text: du hast mich [you (asked) me] – du hasst mich [you hate me].

To the phrase of the verse “You asked me, but I did not answer” in the chorus, a distinct “Nien!” (“Not!”). And the question itself is a typical Catholic question to the groom at the wedding: “Do you agree … to be faithful until death do you part?” Female backing vocals during the tough “No!” ironically sings the opposite: “Ja” (“Yes”).

The groom is clearly not one of those who believe in eternal love and fidelity. He even despises them, lowering sublime feelings to the level of naturalism, which is generally characteristic of the style of Ramms. However, it is unlikely that musicians themselves adhere to such beliefs. This is rather a tribute to the stage image and style, always well flavored with irony about various aspects of human life.

The meaning of the video “Du Hast” – Rammstein

Directed by Philipp Stoltz, the video (fifth during the existence of the musical group) was created at the airfield in Brandenburg. “Rammstein” did everything in his spirit:

  • pyrotechnics;
  • stunt tricks;
  • brutally ironic style.

Starring actress Astrid Meierfeld and drummer Christoph Schneider. The rest of the Ranmas also took part.

Filming was difficult, there were incidents. We planned to shoot the video clip in bright sunlight, but rainy weather with gusty winds disrupted all plans, so we had to make adjustments.

A stuntman was brought in to shoot the scene with the burning man, outfitting him in a special suit covered with flammable materials. After setting fire to the suit, the stuntman meekly expected the command “Stop, filmed!”, But he never heard her. It turned out that all members of the film crew were stunned by what they saw and for a while lost the power of speech. As a result, the stuntman, after creating a beautiful picture, jumped into the pool without waiting for the command.

Due to the explosion of the car, the lead actor received second-degree burns. After the “debriefing”, the members of the film crew defined it as an “accident” (the installation of pyrotechnics was carried out in accordance with all the rules).

The drummer of the musical group Christoph Schneider explained the plot of the video this way: “A gang member betrayed his accomplices because of his love for a woman and was forced to be punished for this. But further events took an unexpected turn.

The video clip begins with the lovers arriving at an abandoned house. They kiss. Fire is shown, twisted metal, torn clothes make the audience think about the absence of a happy ending.

Taking a pistol with him, the hero goes to the building and sees a man in a mask there, who asks him a question. The answer from the character is waiting for other approached bandits. But then they tear off the masks from their faces, hinting that these are jokes, and no one is going to harm him and his woman. On the contrary, friends hug and drink alcohol together. The hero smiles – the gun was not useful.

All this time, the woman is at the building, worrying about the chosen one. She sees terrible scenes, she sees her lover burning alive. But this is just a figment of her imagination.

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