Meaning of Zick Zack by Rammstein & The Story Behind

Rammstein wrote a new song and showed the video clip “Zick Zack”. The performers are transformed into charming representatives of the fair sex with facial features touched by plasticity. Rammas in this way ridicule the practice of plastic surgery and cosmetology that has reached global proportions. The video was directed by Jorn Heitmann. He works with the Ramms on a full-time basis.

Curiously, just before the release of the video, there were rumors that the Rammas had funded the opening of the Zick Zack Beauty Salon. This became a marketing ploy in promoting a new composition. Along with the presentation of the composition, the performers printed a personal magazine of the same name.

The meaning of the song “Zick Zack” – Rammstein

“Zick Zack” is a banter composition. It would be useful to draw attention to the fact that in the chorus after the second verse, the frontman sings the phrase “du wirst alt” – “you are getting old” (implying the process), and after the third verse you already hear “du bist alt” – “you are old” (meaning the finished process). That is a summary: admit already that you have grown old!

The main attention is focused on the desire not to part with youth for the sake of one’s own pride, but other topics are also brought to attention in the composition. For example, the efforts of representatives of the younger generation to adjust their own parameters to the “reference” ones:

• make the bust bigger;

• pump up sponges;

• remove excess fat.

The theme of gender reassignment is also criticized in the single as stupid following fashion: “Ist die Frau im Mann nicht froh. Alles ganz weg, sowieso” – “If a woman in a male body is unhappy, then everything has been cut off for a long time.”

It is interesting!

The composition contains the phrase: “Und Bauchfett in die Biotonne” (“fat from the abdomen – into a container for organ waste”). The idea of ​​separating garbage is traced here, which is very characteristic of the Germans (they even know how to properly dispose of the pumped-out fat).

The meaning of the video “Zick Zack” – Rammstein

Now closer to the video. At the beginning of what is happening, an elderly audience is shown on the screen, waiting for a performance. There are many elderly people in the hall, although they are dressed up with a clear desire to look younger. Suddenly, a musical group appears on the stage. To focus on the beauty and youthfulness of the artists, various tricks are used:

• special effects;

• sub-dance;

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